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M&J Volunteer Recruitment Campaign

M&J Volunteer Recruitment Campaign

Rich Berry25 Nov 2023 - 12:51
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Your Club Needs you

The Old Bristolians Rugby club is approaching its centenary in 2026. The M&J section was started twenty years ago by a group of volunteers and 15 mixed age boys just enjoying running around and having fun. Twenty years later we have approximately 400 boys and girls playing, 70 coaches all continuing to enjoy the benefits of an amazing game. In the background there are a handful of active volunteers.
As with any community sports club we are reliant on volunteers. Sadly, all voluntary clubs have seen a decline in the number of people stepping forward since the covid 19 pandemic. This letter is a direct appeal to you to ask whether you have a few hours spare in a week to support our amazing club.
Obviously, the more people who step forward the fewer hours each person needs to volunteer. Unfortunately, despite several requests no one has yet stepped up, so this is a call to arms.
OB’s mini & juniors is amazing; kids love it; parents comments are always positive; we have a fabulous established set up; but the realism is that without a new crop of volunteers coming through the club will not be able to continue in the way we have previously.
If you feel you have a few hours to offer, please talk to your lead coach or a committee member so that we can continue to be one of the most respected clubs in the area rather than another that is no longer running.

Rich Berry Club President

Further reading